Sunday, April 5, 2020

Snow fungus soup

Snow fungus soup

based loosely on the following 2 recipes

1.  First I cleaned the snow fungus -I boiled some water and placed it in the hot water to rehydrate.  After it rehydrated, I cut away the stem and cut the rest into small pieces.

Snow Fungus Chicken soup tips on preparing snow fungus
Here's a tip on removing the steam of the snow fungus after soaking it in hot water
Here are some tips to prepare the snow fungus before cooking. Soak the snow fungus in hot water till it softens. Remove the steam on the underside of the snow fungus as it remains firm even after soaking. Cut into smaller pieces and set aside for cooking

2. I cooked the soup base. I had turkey stock on hand.  I also added some rehydrated and sliced shitake mushrooms and a few small slices of ginger
3. I boiled those ingredients - soup stock, snow fungus, ginger and mushrooms together.  I seasoned to taste with white pepper and salt

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