Monday, May 18, 2020

lo bak go - turnip cake

tried this twice.  first time I loosely followed directions and made two large pans... it turned out ok.  second time I made this I followed the recipe precisely (I even used my kitchen scale) and this turned out great! I didn't even have to fry it at the end as he last step called for because it was so good fresh.  I just let it cool for a bit an sliced and ate it

On with the recipe! You’ll need:
Grate the turnip. We just used the largest holes on a box grater.

Add grated turnip and 1 cup water to a wok or large pan and bring to a simmer. Simmer for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally so the turnip does not brown. The turnip will produce liquid, some of which will evaporate. You will have liquid left in the pan with the radish but don’t worry about measuring it. Scoop the cooked turnip into a large mixing bowl to cool. Next, pour the remaining liquid into a measuring cup and fill the rest with water until you have 1 cup of liquid and pour it back in with the cooked turnip.

Heat your pan over medium heat and add a two tablespoons oil. Add the dried shrimp, mushrooms, and sausage and cook for about 5 minutes. Stir in the chopped scallion and remove from the heat to cool.

Add rice flour, cornstarch, salt, sugar, and white pepper to the mixing bowl with the radish and cooking liquid.

Mix well until the dry ingredients are well-incorporated.

Add in the cooked shrimp, mushrooms and sausage, and be sure to scrape the oil from the pan into the batter. Mix well and let sit for about 15 minutes.

Give the batter a final stir and pour it into a well-oiled loaf pan. Place the pan into a steamer with plenty of water and steam over medium-high heat for 50 minutes. See our post on how to set up a steamer if you’re not familiar with steaming foods in Chinese cooking.

Remove the pan from the steamer and let your turnip cake set for about 30 minutes. Once cooled, loosen the sides with a spatula and turn it out onto a cutting board. It should come out quite easily

Use a sharp knife dipped in water to slice ½-inch thick pieces. I know people who’d enjoy it just like that, but most people pan-fry them first. Add a couple tablespoons oil to a non-stick or seasoned cast iron pan over medium-low heat. Fry the cakes on both sides until golden and crispy. Serve with oyster sauce!

Tip: You can also make this turnip cake in advance, refrigerate it in the loaf pan, and slice/fry later. If you’ve refrigerated turnip cakes that you’ve already fried, the best way to reheat them is in a pan. When reheating, heat the pan over medium heat and add a tablespoon of oil. Place the cakes in the pan, immediately add a couple tablespoons of water, and cover. Remove the cover when the water has evaporated, flip, and brown the other side.
Serve with hot chili oil or oyster sauce on the side.

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